Annual Joint Christmas meeting
14th December 2015
Prescot MMM 903 and Prince of Wales MMM 466 hold their joint Christmas meeting at Prescot Masonic Hall and St Helens on alternate years. This year was no exception with Prescot hosting the meeting and Prescot Masonic Hall being the venue for this year’s meeting. On Monday 14th December 2015.
Malcolm Beecroft and Patrick Westwood
The meeting was well attended by members of both Lodges with members of both lodges taking office for the advancement ceremony.
There were a number of guests from various Lodges as well as members of Queensway Lodge which also meets at Prescot.
Prescot Lodge had a busy agenda with ballots for three joining members together with the advancement of a candidate Brother James Parry who had recently moved to the area from the province of Nottingham. He was advanced into Mark Masonry in excellent manner by W.  Bro Norman Stringfellow who took the chair for the ceremony. 
Norman Strinfellow, James Perry and Michael Clarke
Bro Parry can be seen being welcomed by Mike Clarke APGM and W. Bro Norman Stringfellow.
Two of the guests were W. Bros Malcolm Beecroft PAGDC Provincial Secretary of Nottingham Mark Province and W. Bro Pat Westwood PAGDC who were attending to support the candidate after his move to the area.
The Festive Board
The festive board was the usual Christmas meal of Turkey with all the trimmings together with Christmas pudding, mince pies. The table was decorated with crackers and paper hats.  During the festivities after the meal those not wearing the paper hats were fined which raised more money for the charities.
All in all it was fined a truly festive occasion and I look forward to next year.

Article and Photos Courtesy of Dave Richards